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Not feeling well? We can help.

If you think you have the following minor ailments or need a prescription for birth control pills, please book an appointment to come to our pharmacy and consult with our pharmacist in person.

When appropriate, our pharmacist can write you a prescription so that you can be treated in a timely manner.

Please refer to the following symptoms of minor illnesses
(Source: HealthLinkBC):

Allergy (Hayfever)



  • Stuffy or runny nose (usually clear and watery)

  • Sneezing

  • Itchy nose, eyes, and/or throat

Canker Sore (Oral Ulcers)



  • Small, shallow, painful, recurrent lesions on lining inside the mouth, cheek or on the tongue

  • Lesions usually have red border with white or yellow centre

Urinary Tract Infection
(Females Only)



  • Frequent urination, pain while urinating, and difficulty holding in urine

  • Cloudy or foul-smelling urine

​Begins with itching, tingling, or burning sensation at border of lip. A cluster of fluid-filled, painful blisters soon appear (usually within 24 hours), surrounded by redness. Blisters then break, crust over, and usually heal within 7-10 day

Cold Sores

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)



  • Painful, blistering rash on one side of face or body, and

  • Pain, burning, tingling or numbness around affected area 1-5 days before rash appears


  • Athelete's Foot

  • Ringworm

  • Fungal nail infection

  • Jock itch

Fungal Infections 

Vaginal Candidiasis
(Yeast Infection)


  • Vaginal itch, irritation 

  • Redness with white, cottage cheese–like discharge



  • Pain, tightness and pressure on both sides of head and across forehead of mild to moderate intensity with no nausea or vomiting.

Heartburn (Acid Reflux)



  • Burping, stomach acid rising from stomach into mouth

  • Burning feeling in the stomach or lower chest rising to the neck




  • Itching, burning, swelling (with or without pain), or presence of a lump around the anus/rectum, and/or

  • Bright red blood during or after a bowel movement 

Dermatitis (Eczema)



  • Diaper rash

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

  • Contact dermatitis

  • Allergic dermatitis

  • Atopic dermatitis

Urticaria (Hives)



  • Small bumps or blisters that may be painful, itchy and/or swollen

  • May feel like a sharp burning pain or stinging

  • Includes bug bites




  • Small blisters on skin that ooze fluid, then dry to form yellow-brown crust

  • Usually appears around nose and mouth

  • May itch, but usually not painful

Painful Periods
(Menstrual Cramps)



  • Pain and cramps in the lower abdomen (belly), and/or

  • Pain in the lower back that starts a few hours before a period

Smoking Cessation

Pharmacists can start you on a free 12-week course of nicotine patches, lozenges or gum. They can also prescribe the oral medications varenicline or bupropion.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)



  • Red eye(s) plus discharge that is watery and mucus-like, or that is thick and white, yellow or green, and/or

  • Scratchy, burning, itching

Thread Worm/Pinworm Infections


  • Itchy anus and belly pain are common, although some people have no symptoms

Muscle Sprains



  • Pain, swelling or tenderness

  • Redness or bruising

  • Limited range of motion with muscle weakness​

Oral Thrush



  • White or cream-white spots/patches on lips, inside mouth, on tongue and/or roof of mouth

  • Cottage cheese–like appearance

  • Patches can be scraped off

  • May experience dry mouth and/or loss of taste

Dyspepsia/Upset Stomach


Heartburn, nausea, bloating, stomach discomfort, feeling full soon after eating, burping up food, stomach acid or gas.

Birth Control

Pharmacists can prescribe and provide many types of contraception, including oral birth control pills, IUDs, and emergency contraception.

Acne/Pimples (Mild)



  • Whiteheads and/or blackheads, or

  • Small red bumps and pimples filled with pus


1611-4500 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 2A9

Contact Us:

Tel: (604) 433-2821
Fax: (604) 433-2830


Operation Hours:

9:45am – 6:30pm


10:30am – 6:30pm

Sun & Stat Holidays


© 2024 Crystal Pharmacy. All rights reserved.

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