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Updated: Aug 11, 2023

With 3 or more prescriptions, we can deliver to your house FREE of charge!!

If there are fewer than 3 prescriptions, we can definitely still deliver your medications with a $8 delivery charge.

Can’t come it? Don’t worry, it’s easy to send prescriptions to us!!

  • If the fax/email comes directly from the doctor’s office, then we don’t need the hardcopy

  • If the fax/email does not come from a doctor’s office, you can email ( or fax (6044332830) your prescriptions to us. You can also WhatsApp, Wechat us your prescriptions. (note: we MUST obtain the prescription hardcopies in these situations)

  • If the prescriptions do not already have the info, please send us pictures of your BC Service Card

  • We will also gladly assist you to transfer any of your prescriptions from other pharmacy to us!!

  • Please send us pictures of your third party insurance information (eg. company insurance card), should you have any.

Give us time

  • We cannot always guarantee same day delivery, but we will try to deliver at the earliest possible time


  • By law, we MUST counsel the patient taking the medications. As a matter of fact, we love to discuss about your medications.

  • So, please expect us to book a time to discuss about the medications, it can be before or after delivery

  • This counselling time also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions about the medications you are taking

Please confirm your delivery address and contact phone number

Please provide a credit card number (with expiry date and CVV)


1611-4500 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 2A9

Contact Us:

Tel: (604) 433-2821
Fax: (604) 433-2830

Operation Hours:

9:45am – 6:30pm

10:30am – 6:30pm

Sun & Stat Holidays


© 2024 Crystal Pharmacy. All rights reserved.

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