With 3 or more prescriptions, we can deliver to your house FREE of charge!!
If there are fewer than 3 prescriptions, we can definitely still deliver your medications with a $8 delivery charge.
Can’t come it? Don’t worry, it’s easy to send prescriptions to us!!
If the fax/email comes directly from the doctor’s office, then we don’t need the hardcopy
If the fax/email does not come from a doctor’s office, you can email (crystalpharmacy@hotmail.com) or fax (6044332830) your prescriptions to us. You can also WhatsApp, Wechat us your prescriptions. (note: we MUST obtain the prescription hardcopies in these situations)
If the prescriptions do not already have the info, please send us pictures of your BC Service Card
We will also gladly assist you to transfer any of your prescriptions from other pharmacy to us!!
Please send us pictures of your third party insurance information (eg. company insurance card), should you have any.
Give us time
We cannot always guarantee same day delivery, but we will try to deliver at the earliest possible time
By law, we MUST counsel the patient taking the medications. As a matter of fact, we love to discuss about your medications.
So, please expect us to book a time to discuss about the medications, it can be before or after delivery
This counselling time also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions about the medications you are taking
Please confirm your delivery address and contact phone number
Please provide a credit card number (with expiry date and CVV)